Welcome to Cantwell QWS
We supply, transport and deliver potable water nationwide in Ireland.
Our “Water on Wheels” service supports scheduled and ad-hoc water requirements, in addition to emergency supply response due to water outages and adverse weather disruptions.
Water Supply
Cantwell QWS provide potable water for requirements nationwide in Ireland.
We are a leading supplier of water to Construction sites and Events across Ireland. We deliver required volumes to location and offer storage solutions on-site as required.
Our remote monitoring offers peace of mind to ensure water levels remain optimised for the duration that supply is required.
Water Services
Cantwell QWS provide an alternative water supply for situations where water outages are scheduled or occur as a result of extreme heat, drought or storm weather.
Our service operates 24/7 as required – scheduled, ad-hoc and emergency response.
Our tankers can transport and deliver bulk water supply to ensure that essential services operate without interruption.
In excess of 6,000,000 Litres of water delivered so far in 2023
Latest News from QWS
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More Than 6 Million Litres Delivered in Quarter 1 2023
Cantwell QWS delivered in excess of 6 million litres of potable water in Quarter 1 2023.
Cantwell QWS Deliver Potable Water as Standard
Cantwell QWS Deliver Potable Water as Standard Today on World Water Day 2023, we take this opportunity to remind you about the water we supply
More Water Tankers Deliver More Water
Our new QWS water tanker has arrived at Cantwell HQ.
This new addition to our #WateronWheels fleet allows for even greater water supply nationwide.
Cantwell QWS are on Track this Winter
Our Quality Water Services Ltd Team are delighted to be part of and supporting Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group Ireland for their Sandite Campaign this Winter.
Cantwell QWS Kept Water Flowing at Live Events in 2022
Cantwell QWS were thrilled to return to Live Events again in 2022
Cantwell QWS Hit Heatwave Peak
In July 2022, Cantwell QWS hit a daily peak of delivering 850,000 litres of water/day during heatwave weather
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